i wonder how does rapunzel washes her own hair and how many bottles of shampoo and conditioner does she need to use ? lol


In the tower, I imagine she did it like laundry, with a big tub that she scrubbed it out in sections, then hanging it up to dry in the rafters. Hair washing day was an all-day project In the castle, I see it more like a trough, with Cassandra and the other girls each taking a segment and doing it all at once. It takes much less time, and now she has the Mega-Dry to dry it out in minutes!

There’s concept art from the movie of her washing her hair in a waterfall.


(I wish I knew offhand who painted this concept art. It’s in the artbook, but I’m not at home to reference it and I haven’t been able to find it online.)

Also, shampoo isn’t necessary to clean hair effectively! A simple baking soda and water mixture that doesn’t even require much baking soda (approximately one tablespoon of baking soda to one cup of water, tweaked for your needs) will do the job just fine! You really only need to add the concoction to the scalp area, since that’s where hair oil originates, and spot treat dirty spots in the hair. Otherwise, rinsing it in water works just fine. And for conditioner, an apple cider vinegar and water mixture (one tablespoon vinegar to one cup of water) works wonders!

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